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Celebrate Father’s Day with our tips and recipes for making the ultimate pasta salads. Grilling up a summer meal with family? The classic pasta salad won’t let you down!
Memorial Day, or any summer day, is the time to get the yard tidied up and the grill cleaned off! Read on for ways to serve up fresh meals all summer long. From Mango Lemonade Salad with Shrimp Skewers to Street Corn and Chicken Tacos, check out our best summer recipes.
With Mother’s Day approaching, why not treat Mom to the memorable homemade lunch she deserves? Don’t worry about spending hours in the kitchen — we’ve got you covered with some delicious full-meal ideas based on our convenient Chopped Salad Kits that offer a perfect shortcut.
It’s National Salad Month! Time to celebrate our favorite month of the year by taking a look at five of the most beloved salads on the planet, exploring their origins, variations, and recipes.
There’s no greener time than spring and no greener holiday than St. Patrick’s Day. Get inspired with these green-colored dishes and Irish-inspired recipe ideas!
Employees from across Taylor Farms’ U.S. regions donate over 1,600 sets of pajamas to local children this holiday season.
From veggie blends to Chopped Salad Kits, Taylor Farms can transform your holiday kitchen hustle from frantic to fabulous. Whether you're playing host to a festive gathering or whipping up quick bites amid the celebrations, our products are here to make your holiday cooking a breeze.
Different personalities need different holiday gifts: which one are you? Enter our giveaway to win one!