Relay for Life

Taylor Farms’ employees were proud to be a part of the 2022 Relay For Life in Salinas, Calif, helping to raise over $69,000. The American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life movement is dedicated to helping communities attack cancer. Through funds donated, time given, or awareness raised, our community, like so many others across the country, teamed up to rally in the fight against cancer. 

This community fundraiser was an incredible chance for Taylor Farms’ employees to join forces with 75 other teams from across the broader Salinas community, and we had a great time doing it! Taylor Farms will even be receiving an achievement award for our excellent fundraising and financial support of Relay for Life.

three men in purple shirts with pie on faces

Our team donation of $69,756 to the Relay For Life of the Salinas Valley 2022 helped the Salinas Relay exceed their event goal by over $125,000.

Here are some of the Relay for Life events that the Taylor Farms team participated in or organized:

  • The Taylor Farms Farmers Market: For a $25 donation, visitors got a canvas tote and a chance to fill it with Taylor Farms fresh products
  • Hat and Swag Fundraisers: With a donation, visitors got a new Taylor Farms hat or a chance to spin the wheel for a Taylor Farms swag item
  • Collecting spare change for the cause 
  • Pie-throwing: Employees got to throw a pie at their boss with $25 donations!
  • Fundraiser Happy Hour at Farmer’s Union Pour House
  • Premium Parking Spot Raffle:  Individuals bought raffle tickets to win a choice facility parking spot
  • Dozens volunteered at the Taylor Farms Booth or walked in the Relay
  • And most dramatic of all, twenty Taylor Farms team members agreed to shave their heads if they reach their fundraising goal of $5,000 AND THEY DID! Now that’s dedication to a cause!

In addition to all of these efforts from so many people, Taylor Farms’ CEO Bruce Taylor agreed to match the Taylor Farms’ combined donations of $10,000—and our Taylor Farms family exceeded all expectations for this worthy cause. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Relay For Life fundraisers; the teamwork and dedication shown during these events illustrate our corporate objective to leave the world a better place. 

three men in purple shirts with pie on faces

Relay for Life is just one of many community programs Taylor Farms is proud to support in our efforts to help people lead healthy and happy lives. These include: 

  • Educational resources that support the belief that education should be inclusive and creative, inside and outside of the classroom, including a scholarship program, backpack program, and entrepreneurship & vocational programs for local youth
  • Food accessibility initiatives to bring safe, healthy, accessible fresh foods to families across North America, including the donation of 5 million pounds of food each year to local food banks and charitable organizations across North America
  • Health & Wellness initiatives, including wellness demonstrations and cooking demos

Read more about our Social Impact in our Annual Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report

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